Shannon Epps, LMSW


Shannon, a Baltimore native, is the Executive Director of HomeBound and Loads of Love. She is an entrepreneur who assists business owners with managing projects. Shannon is a 2016-2017 Baltimore Corps Elevation Awardee and was awarded a grant for Loads of Love mobile laundry truck. Shannon is passionate about helping the homeless brothers and sisters of Baltimore City. 

Check out Shannon in the featured articles:



Kendra Ellis


Kendra Ellis, also a Baltimore native, is the Secretary of Homebound. She is a Morgan State University alumna with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Kendra works full time within the Johns Hopkins Medical Institute and also has experience dating back to 2012 with helping the homeless. She has worked with Northwest Community Action Center, Healthcare Access of MD (HCAM), and St. Agnes Hospital accomplishing duties such as assisting those within the community with job placement, energy assistance, SNAP & Medicaid applications, and also providing food and transportation resources. In her spare time, Kendra also gives back to those in need. In the past she has provided homemade sandwiches and cold waters to 100 homeless individuals as well as given out custom made welcome boxes to 6 expecting mothers. Since entering the healthcare field at the age of 17, Kendra gained interest in helping those who are impacted by negative social determinants of health. Her motto is “Always treats others with compassion because one day it could be you in need.”


Connie Yarborough, Esq.


Connie Yarborough, Esq., the Treasurer of HomeBound is also a native of Baltimore City. She earned a Bachelors of Science in Social Work from Frostburg State University and a Juris Doctorate from University of Baltimore. She is currently an Assistant State's Attorney in the Special Victims Unit of the Office of the State's Attorney for Baltimore City. Despite the demands of her career, Connie spends most of her free time volunteering in the community. She has participated in countless community outreach events to address the issues of homelessness and affordable housing. Robert Ingersroll said it best, "we ride by lifting others." Connie has committed her life to serving the citizens of Baltimore City and looks forward to doing amazing things with HomeBound.